Follow Wybie Whittaker [more commonly known by his nickname 'Weird'], a 23 year old bat/shrimp hybrid, as he [and you, by extension] work your way through 3 different levels of a long abandoned apartment complex; avoiding ghosts, solving puzzles, and learning more about the people who used to live here, about Weird, and hopefully about yourself.

Caught on Tape is a project that's very close to my heart. It's about growing up neurodivergent and queer, learning to stop hating the person in the mirror, and feeling like an alien in a world that you've always been told has a place for you.
It may not be the best written, or most innovative visual novel to be created... But it is mine, and I want to share what is mine with you, whoever/whatever you are. I hope- whenever it is completed and released to the public- you get as much out of it as I do.